NEXOGENESIS has joined forces with 5 other EU-funded projects, SIGMA Nexus, AWESOME, NEXUS-NESS, GoNEXUS & REXUS, and produced a Policy paper entitled “Optimising Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus in the Mediterranean basin”.

It highligths the need for joint planning, international cooperation and transparent decision-making with regards to the interconnectedness of the WEFE components when aiming to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Moreover, it proposes recommendations to the four key challenges that affect particularly the Mediterranean basin:

  • The effects of over-tourism: policues to curb environmental degradation and resource depletion
  • Water prices and the future of local agriculture and farming
  • Solutions and changes in how policies are contrived
  • Pressures from energy production and urbanisation on ecosystems degradation and water resource depletion.

Find out more about the proposed recommendations in our policy brief: here.

You can also access it here:

This work was produced taking part at the Horizon Results Booster initiative.