The second workshop with the Adige River Basin stakeholders was successfully held on October 10, 2022 in Trento, in the upstream part of the basin. It was co-organised by Eurac, CMCC and the Autonomous Province of Trento (Provincial Water and Energy Agency). The workshop was opened by the Vice-President and Environmental Councillor of the Province, Mario Tonina. They underlined the importance of the work carried out within the project defining it as “an important moment of confrontation, which aims to reason in an integrated manner on today’s topical issues: water, energy, food, ecosystems… Aspects that are profoundly interconnected and affected by the impact of climate change that is before our eyes (…) It is in fact a challenge that can only be won together. This appointment is therefore a first step in the work we are all called upon to do together in the near future. For the management of our ‘blue gold’, it will be crucial to find a win-win mechanism, where all aspects – hydroelectricity, agriculture, and the protection of ecosystems – will be winners”.

In particular, the aim of the workshop was to validate the final conceptual model, pinpointing the most essential interlinkages across sectors as well as defining the sectoral policy goals and instruments to the test through the Nexogenesis Self Learning Nexus Assessment Engine.

The support of the Province helped to achieve media attention and wide stakeholder involvement, with around 30 stakeholders and experts participating and contributing to the interactive break-out groups, allowing for trans and inter-sectoral discussions.  All the sectors of the WEFE Nexus were represented encompassing for example hydropower and water utility companies, environmental, agricultural and enterprise associations, water reclamation consortiums, fishermen, public authorities and policymakers.

Overall, this second workshop was a success. Stay tuned for more information!