On September 19th to 21st, 2023, the NEXOGENESIS consortium gathered in Tours, France for their 2nd General Assembly. This meeting was an opportunity for partners to share updates on their work and also to discuss some of the next steps of the project thanks to various parallel sessions.
Day 1 was mostly focused on project activities updates: each work package had the chance to share updates on the work conducted and the one planned in the coming month. During the afternoon the two first parallel sessions were held: one on the NEPAT tool, the NEXOGENESIS tools and another one on policy and governance assessment.
On day 2, the parallel session continued so partners could be separated according to their involvement and interest in the project such as exploitation, policy and government assessment, and discussions around the case studies workshops… At the end of the day, partners were gathered again in a plenary session in order to report back insights from their discussions.
Finally, day 3, was mostly focused on stakeholder sustainment and policy impact as well as an explanation of data from MAGNETGrid interface. The morning was concluded by a wrap-up and next steps.
A warm thank you to MiDi Network for welcoming us at Maison de l’Homme et des Sciences and to Laboratoire CNRS Citeres and the University of Tours for the organisation!